is now Golden Oaks Law Group

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Guidance For Your Medi-Cal Benefits Goals
When important decisions must be made, to guarantee that a loved one receives long-term health care benefits, you should enjoy the benefits of working with a skilled lawyer who understands your goals. Suzanne M. Graves’ broad knowledge of Medi-Cal guidelines, eligibility and applications is designed for your peace of mind.
Business Planning
Our office works closely with our client’s accountant to help our client see the pros and cons of each type of business entity.
Estate Planning
We take the time to get to know you and your family, along with your unique wishes in order to custom build your estate plan.
Medi-Cal Planning
Qualifying for Medi-Cal benefits and long-term care may seem intimidating, but the process is easier than it might appear.
We use our years of probate knowledge & expertise to ensure the probate process is completed as quickly & painlessly as possible.
Trust Administration
Our office can provide guidance in making sure that the proper legal documentation is prepared & legal notifications are sent out.
VA Benefits Planning
We are dedicated to helping war era veterans and their surviving spouses receive this Benefit which they so deserve.
Preparing You And Your Family For A Brighter Tomorrow
Those who have valiantly served our country in the military deserve the very best in care for a brighter future through the Veterans Affairs. Suzanne M. Graves takes you smoothly through every step of the process to receiving benefits — and stays accessible to you so that any sudden question or concern can be promptly addressed.
Let Us Know How We Can Help
At Golden Oaks Law Group, LLP, in Upland, we welcome the opportunity to speak with you in an informative, confidential initial consultation. To arrange an appointment, please reach us by phone at 909-981.6177 or fill out our contact form.